Proposed Marketing Strategy To Increase The Penetration Of Brimo’ By BRI Through Strategic Partnership Program
Strategic Partnership, Brimo’ by BRI, Motivational Channel MembersAbstract
On February 2, 2019, PT Bank BRI (Persero) Tbk introduced Super App Brimo' by BRI to replace the previous iteration of their mobile banking, BRI Online (Brimo' 1.0). The Brimo by BRI target audience was organised by Bank BRI management in 2022, and it was disseminated to 12 Regional Offices in Indonesia. Bank BRI Region VI/Jawa 1 ran many acquisition programmes, including the Strategic Partnership Programme, to meet the aim of Brimo's users. Out of the 128 partners who entered the strategic partnership programme in 2022, 106 partners are classified as having low acquisition because they have an ability to recruit fewer than 50 users, and just 3 partners have the ability to acquire more than 500 users. In order to boost the partner's willingness to distribute Brimo' by BRI and, ultimately, increase the penetration of Brimo' by BRI, this study looks at potential options. The results show that there are some issues that partners face when distributing Brimo' by BRI, including technical difficulties, a lack of product knowledge, staffing issues, gimmicks that don't suit partners' preferences, poorly optimised promotions, the need for reward and recognition programmes, and partners' lack of confidence in their ability to distribute Brimo' by BRI. The study comes to the conclusion that offline training, gimmicky customization, reward and recognition programmes, and quicker referral fee payment are necessary to boost partner willingness to acquire Brimo's users. To determine how these guidelines will affect people, more research will be required.
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