
  • Wahyudi Wahyudi Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang Indonesia
  • Pemilia Sulistyowati Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Modern, Sukoharjo
  • Setia Iriyanto Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
  • Heri Poerbantor Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
  • Sukamto Sukamto Community Health Center of Ambarawa Branch, Central Java



Knowledge Sharing, Intellectual Capital and Organizational Agility


This research aims to determine and to evaluate the moderating effects of the relationship between Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Sharing, and Organizational Agility. This study surveyed 146 consumers in the city of Semarang, Central Java, who met specific requirements, including being female and at least 17 years old. By visiting women's forums and groups and completing online (Google form) and offline (print out sheets) questionnaires, primary data was collected directly from the source. This study used Partial Least Square (PLS) 3.0 as its data analysis approach. Intellectual Capital has a significant, positive, and powerful effect on Knowledge Sharing. This implies that if Intellectual Capital increases, so does Knowledge Sharing. It is acknowledged that Intellectual Capital has a strong, positive, and significant effect on Knowledge Sharing. This implies that as Intellectual Capital increases, so will Knowledge Sharing. Organizational Agility has a strong, positive, and significant relationship with Knowledge Sharing. This implies that if Intellectual Capital increases, so does Knowledge Sharing. Knowledge Sharing mediates the relationship between Intellectual Capital and Organizational Agility to a moderate degree.


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How to Cite

Wahyudi Wahyudi, Pemilia Sulistyowati, Setia Iriyanto, Heri Poerbantor, & Sukamto Sukamto. (2023). THE EFFECTS OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL ON ORGANISATIONAL AGILITY: THE ROLE OF KNOWLEDGE SHARING AS MEDIATION . International Journal of Economics and Management Research, 2(1), 09–25.

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